RAPT are focussing on four flagship projects which are all ongoing throughout 2019-20.
Pier to Pier is an immersive performance installation which takes a coastal tour of the UK exploring the notion of living on the edge across socio-cultural and scientific domains with academics, journalists, communities and individuals.
The edge of an island, the edge of understanding, the edge of life…
I Get Up was a multi-media performance project involving unhoused clients at First Base Day Centre, RBD Design and Roberta Piazza.
A series of films were created which explored participants’ experience of living in the city, their lives and selfhood. The final films were shown at ONCA Gallery as part of the Brighton Festival 2019.
Third Space Project is a pilot which creates a ‘third space’ for researchers, artists and community groups to seek creative collaborations and networks towards new seed funded projects and ideas.
The Loneliness project
We are more connected than ever. In some ways. Aren't we?
A new project examining contemporary experiences of loneliness bringing together artists, interested interdisciplinary researchers and relevant community participants.