The Sun That Casts No Shadow
May 2013
“...a layered, unexpected and entirely apt version of Camus’ novel which delineates all the existential questioning underneath the story through taking a fascinating and stimulating approach.”
The Brighton Laboratory's debut production, The Sun That Casts No Shadows, was an adaptation of Albert Camus' classic novel, The Outsider. The show premiered at the Brighton Festival, 2013, at the seafront bar & club, The Volks and was nominated for The Latest awards 'Best Theatrical Production'.
“A rare instance of thoughtful and disciplined devised work on this year’s Brighton Fringe, this is an impressive debut for The Brighton Laboratory in which the audience at least, caught up in the show’s compulsive drift, are never outsiders.”
“Brand spanking new, home-grown theatre company The Brighton Laboratory arrive at Brighton Festival in the most impressive style...The performances were subtly brilliant.”